Frequently Asked Questions
1. What happens during our first session and how long will it be?
When I meet with a new client in the home, I always begin with a one-hour consultation. This consists of answering assessment questions and touring me through your home. The one-hour consultation provides an excellent way for me to get to know you, your environment, and your particular organizational challenges and goals. Many clients like to meet for the one-hour consultation and then jump right into hands-on organizing during the same appointment. That’s fine with me!
2. How long will it take for me to get organized?
The length of our working relationship and the speed of results depends on your needs. In other words, how many projects do you have for us to work on? How many areas need organizing? What are your short-term and long-term goals for your home?
Some projects are quick and only require 3 hours (i.e. organizing one closet). Other projects are more involved and require many more hours or several visits (i.e. clearing out a full attic and/or a garage). Remember, it took a long time for these spaces to become crowded, so it will take time to make positive changes.
3. How should I prepare for an organizing session?
For the best results, set aside time to work free of interruptions. Dress comfortably (I do!), and be sure to have eaten and had water before we begin. Please have several large garbage bags on hand. If you recycle paper and plastic, please have a receptacle for each available as well.
If you prefer to work with music on, by all means play music that is inspiring and fun!