The See Your Way Clear Blog
Why I Hired a Professional Organizer
This is my 16th year in business as a Professional Organizer. That's a lot of closets, garages, and filed papers! It is safe to say I am confident and experienced in planning, purging, and executing a project. Flash forward to...
How to Measure The Effects of Clutter on Your Life
Excess clutter can affect our mental well-being. How does the clutter in your home affect you?
Winter Vehicle Preparedness
Winter has arrived! Have you ever been stranded in a vehicle during a cold winter day? It is frightening and chilly! Below is a list of items I recommend you keep in your car in an emergency. While some things are essential during the winter, most items are helpful...
The Dilemma of Fine China
Like me, if you are of a certain age, you probably own a beautiful set of "good china." Generous wedding guests purchased our dishes, but may I ask you how often you use your china? We use our china a few times a year if we are lucky! To add insult to injury, I...
Tame The Paper Monster
Taming The Paper Monster, a.k.a. paper clutter, is easier than you think! Read on to learn my easy steps!
$20 and 20 Minutes: A Strategy For Letting Go
Sometimes, it's the little things that are hard to let go of. Some of the clutter that accumulates in homes is actually the result of a delayed decision. When there is inner conflict around whether or not to keep an item, the item often gets put aside to be dealt...
What’s For Dinner?
“What’s for dinner?” Three innocuous words have the power to send me into panic mode. We love to eat (!), and we value sitting down to share an evening meal. So, I have learned that I need to plan for and shop for dinners in advance to manage my stress around dinner....
Self-Care: Why Did I Wait So Long?
How do you practice self-care? Do you go for long, peaceful walks? Schedule a massage? Spend time with a dear friend? Engage in a creative activity? Snuggle up with a good book? Prepare a delicious meal? There are many ways to practice self-care. What...
A New Resource for Donating Clothes, Shoes, etc.
INFORMED FRIENDS are good to have! Do you have a really smart and informed friend who always seems to know about the latest & greatest things way before anyone else? I do and she is the reason behind this post. My friend and her husband, now retired, are selling...
Seasonal Wardrobe: Having a Closet of Possibilities
A change of season is an ideal opportunity to survey your wardrobe and make decisions about what to keep and what to release. Since we are transitioning out of one season and into another, it's easier to remember which seasonal clothing we enjoyed wearing and reached...