This week I went out on a limb and sent a photo of my messy pantry to my coaching client.
During our coaching session, she shared how pleased she was that she finally cleared the steps leading up to her bedroom. The items on the steps had accumulated over several months (and bothered her for just as long), and now she was so happy with how great it felt and looked to have clear steps. However, during the coaching session, my client chastised herself by saying her home will never look like a magazine, even though my house must…, nope!
If I can teach you only one thing: being Organized does not mean being perfect! Our homes are not meant to look like magazines. When we can find what we need easily, and our spaces feel comfortable and safe, then it is organized.
Remember that each of us has a unique threshold for what is “organized enough.” Your idea of what is organized may differ from your partner’s, best friend’s, sister’s, etc. Also, your threshold for “organized enough” will likely change from space to space.
My threshold for “organized enough” is pretty relaxed regarding the pantry. Our pantry gets a lot of traffic because we love cooking, eating, and trying new recipes. Even before I had sent my coaching client the photo, I had told myself that it was time for a pantry refresh. When we couldn’t find what we needed and purchased items we already had, I knew it was time. Not to mention, the floor space was almost non-existent. Oy!
So, judge me if you will, but here’s a picture of my pantry tonight as I write this newsletter. It’s Labor Day Weekend, and I have extra time to chip away at giving the pantry a makeover. I’ll probably start by setting the timer for 15 minutes, so I won’t feel like the project is hijacking my whole day, and I will focus on organizing just one shelf – a baby step.
Questions I hope you consider:
What does “organized enough” mean for you?
How does your threshold for organization change from space to space?
Would you benefit from coaching and guidance?