My husband is the sewing expert in our family. He is the only who uses the electric sewing machine. Occasionally, I will sew on a button or repair a fallen hem. The hardest part of sewing by hand for me is putting the thread through the eye of the needle! Thank...
For those who haven’t heard of it, you have definitely seen an IKEA Kallax (formerly known as Expedit) shelving unit around somewhere. This wonder of a shelving unit comes in various combinations of 13 x 13-inch cubes* and in various colors: black, white, birch,...
A Kitchen Junk Drawer – we all have at least one and it serves a useful purpose! But why do we need a junk drawer? Each storage space in a kitchen typically holds like items (a cabinet for pots, a drawer for silverware, a shelf for glasses, etc). Where do we put...
It’s that time of year when people start to think about the school year ending and summer beginning. It’s also a time for graduations. When college students graduate many items that made their dorm room feel like home are still usable. Some grads simply throw out...