Like me, if you are of a certain age, you probably own a beautiful set of “good china.” Generous wedding guests purchased our dishes, but may I ask you how often you use your china? We use our china a few times a year if we are lucky! To add insult to...
PAPER CLUTTER! Everyone’s got it, and even with so much digital information, the paper monster, a.k.a paper clutter, still shows up. So, how do you tame the paper monster? Here’s a strategy I use with my clients: 1. Find a comfortable space to use with...
Sometimes, it’s the little things that are hard to let go of. Some of the clutter that accumulates in homes is actually the result of a delayed decision. When there is inner conflict around whether or not to keep an item, the item often gets put aside to...
How do you practice self-care? Do you go for long, peaceful walks? Schedule a massage? Spend time with a dear friend? Engage in a creative activity? Snuggle up with a good book? Prepare a delicious meal? There are many ways to practice self-care. What...
INFORMED FRIENDS are good to have! Do you have a really smart and informed friend who always seems to know about the latest & greatest things way before anyone else? I do and she is the reason behind this post. My friend and her husband, now retired, are selling...
Did you know that you can see your postal mail before it arrives at your home each day? That’s right…. you can digitally preview your postal mail each day in an email before it arrives at your home. How cool is that!? This handy service offered by the...